a) On several different occasions, several different Chipotle employees have commented on how I'm always there - one guy has said to me "You're here again?! You're always here!" and another girl has said "I think I might just always be here when you come in" to which another guy responded "No, she's just always here". There have been several incidences of this type of remark...not even kidding.
b) I have running jokes with one of the managers. As in, he makes a reference to it every time I'm in, which is like, every other day at this point.
c) I think this is the real indicator - they have stopped notifying me that guacamole is $1.95 extra. They know that I know. They warn EVERYONE about this surcharge...except me.
So, the first step is realizing that I have a problem. Check. The next step is maybe not eating as much Chipotle? So for the rest of the month of October, I will not eat Chipotle once. I will be tempted and I may stop in for just guacamole (Mark recently dubbed it "crackamole"), but I will not have any Chipotle before November 1st. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking that it won't be a problem seeing as November 1st is only 10 days away...but considering the rate at which I frequent the place, it might be harder than it sounds.
On a completely different note, I would just like to briefly mention my brush with death this morning. As I was driving to work, I was attacked by a big, spindly, gross, white spider. It came out of nowhere, scampered down my door and hid under the "put the window down" button. So naturally, I almost crash and decide to pull over in order to find and evacuate this spider...so I pull over, cautiously look under the button thingie, and NOTHING! I have no idea where it went and I know that it didn't crawl out because I was watching the button the entire time, so then I thought maybe there's a hole underneath it and it went into the door. So I get back in the car and get to work, still watching the door. Once I get to work, I ask a colleague to go check things out and he confirms that the spider is not there...but also observes that there is no hole underneath that stupid button...so I have no idea where this freaking thing is. Maybe I imagined it? I feel like that would be the preferable option at this point because the only other option is that it's silently awaiting my return, so I guess there's that.
I wish I had something better for today, but Chipotle and spiders pretty much sum everything up. Today is definitely Monday!
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